Sunday, 16 May 2010

Sale - 20% off

To all you bead lovers out there!!

I thought I’d be very kind and let you know that I have a few items in my Ebay Store with 20% off:

Ok, so really I’m shamelessly promoting my sale but I wouldn’t want you to miss out! :-)

Happy shopping

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Silver Link Circle and Turquoise Bead Bracelet

So, as you know, this week I challenged myself to make something new and list it on Folksy everyday.  Well I was doing really well until yesterday! 

I had to meet a friend in London but it was only supposed to be for a cup of tea and slice of cake so I thought it's OK I can list my item when I get back.......well I should have known better, lets just say, it was a nice day, the sun was shining, gorgeous scenery sitting by the river on Southbank and after our tea and cake we moved onto a few ice cold ciders, next thing I know it's 10pm!  Ooops. 

So, to make up for not listing my item yesterday and to complete my challenge, better late than never, here is my final listing for the week!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Turquoise Beaded Cleopatra Bracelet

Just about made my challenge today, just one more day to go.  Here's today's new item listed on Folksy

Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The Ladybird stretch bracelet

This type of stretch bracelet is a very popular right now. I wanted to make a summer bracelet and as the main focal bead reminds me of a ladybird I thought this was ideal.

It's made up of various glass beads, silver plated links and silver plastic beads - I just love the chunkyness of this bracelet.  Check it out at

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

I've given myself a challenge of making something new and adding it to my Folksy shop everyday this week - it's been a long time coming.  So make sure you log into my shop every day in order not to miss out!

Yesterday and today's items are:

To have go have a look just click on

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Layout Update

Hey guys

I've just updated my blog with the help of blogger in draft, I hope you like it.  However, its very much 'work in progress'.  Over the forthcoming months I want to be adding new links, categories and perhaps even giveaways.  This is definitely the way forward, it's just my to do list is extremely long at the moment.

However, in the meantime, I would love to hear your views on what you would like to see on this page, so please feel free to leave a comment!

Speak soon and happy crafting!

Saturday, 1 May 2010

Quick Update


I know I should be updating this page more but its hard when you're trying to manage a Facebook fan page, a twitter page, upload your images on Flickr, run a store on Ebay, Folksy and Etsy...I just find myself running out of time.

Come July I will be setting up my company full time, which I can't wait to do. I have so many ideas and plans but at the moment so little time.

To have a look at my latest pieces, please link through to my Flickr page, I would love to hear your opinions so please feel free to add comments in the appropriate place or if you like it, add it to your favourites.

That's it for now but I promise to update soon!

Take care